Dahl (Lentils) Curry

The humble lentil dahl is nothing to be scoffed at! Cooked with care and love, this curry is always a crowd favourite and staple of the curry tradition. Now I get to share with you how my family made it.


  • 1 Cup of toor dhal
  • 1Tbsp veg oil
  • 1 small onion diced fine
  • ½ stem of fresh curry leaves
  • 3 dried red chillies
  • ¼ tsp of ground turmeric powder
  • 2 Tbsp coconut powder


  1. Heat oil in pan and throw in diced onions and curry leaves
  2. When onions start to become translucent, throw in the dried chillies until they become dark but not burnt.
  3. Remove from pan and put aside.
  4. Poor the Dhal into a pot and rinse under cold water until clean
  5. Create a level bed of dhal and sit your middle finger on top, fill up with water to the level of the first line on your finger, approximately 20mm.
  6. Stir in turmeric and bring to boil and stay close as it may quickly burn.
  7. Cook until soft, then add the tempered onions, chilies and curry leaves.
  8. Heat up the kettle for a half a cup of hot water and stir in coconut powder.
  9. Add to cooked dhal
  10. Add salt to taste.