Privacy Policy:

Personal information and security

  1. We use secure service software to make our internet transaction secure. You should review our privacy policy to find out how we may use and disclose your personal information. You agree that all information provided by you is true and correct that any information not be withheld and you will provide us with any additional information that may be required by us.
  2. All credit and debit cardholders are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. If the issuer of your payment card refuses to authorise payment, your order will not be accepted.

Risk and Title

Risk in the items ordered using the Service passes to you on the date and time of receipt of the order and title of these items passes to you on the later of:

  1. Payment of those items
  2. Receipt of those items

Limitation of liability

We use reasonable care and skill in providing the Service and are (to the extent provided by law) not liable for any of the following:

  1. If we do not perform any of our obligations to you due to failure of any technical systems or for any other reasons beyond our control.
  2. For any damage to your computer or mobile phone or other facilities as a result of using the Service.
  3. For any indirect or consequential losses, claims or damages (including without limitation loss of profit, loss of production, loss of contracts, loss of opportunity) suffered by you or incurred from your use of this Service however caused.
  4. Our maximum liability to you in respect of each use of the Service shall be the refund of the purchase price of your order.


You must indemnify us from and against all claims, liabilities, damage, suits and losses made against or suffered by us as a direct result of:

  1. Your fraudulent or wilful negligent act or omissions.
  2. Any breach of these terms and conditions by you.
  3. Your act or omissions which causes us to be in breach or any law or regulation or:
  4. Personal injury, death or property damage caused or contributed to by you.

General Restrictions

You must not:

  1. Use the services for any activities that breach any laws, infringe a third party’s rights or are contrary to any relevant standards or codes.
  2. Use the services in a manner or way which interferes with other users or our other customers or defames, harasses, threatens, menaces or offends any person or which prevents any other person from using or enjoying the services.
  3. Make fraudulent or speculative inquiries, purchases or requests using the services.
  4. Use another person’s details without their permission or impersonate another person when using the services.
  5. Tamper with or hinder the operation of the service.
  6. Knowingly transfer any viruses, worms, defects, trojan horses or similar disabling or malicious code to our website or associated application associated with our services.
  7. Reformat or frame any portion of the web pages that are part of our website or associated application associated with our services.
  8. Use our website or associated application associated with our services to violate the security of any computer or other network or engage in conduct.
  9. Use the services other than in accordance with these terms and conditions.


You warrant that:

  1. All information and data provided by you to us using the services is true, accurate, complete and up to date.
  2. The person receiving any items ordered on your behalf is authorised by you to do so.

Intellectual Property Rights


  1. Acknowledge that the copyright in the website, associated application, the software, design, text a graphic associated with the services and its content and materials (together the “Materials”) are owned by or licensed to us.
  2. Must not modify, copy, adapt, store in a retrieval system, reproduce, upload, post, transmit, sell, distribute in any wat or communicate to the public a Material without our prior written consent.
  3. Must not frame or embed in another website any of the material without our prior written consent.
  4. The materials contain registered trade marks and other trade marks which are protected by law.
  5. You must not use any of these marks or our name or the names without our prior written consent.

Alteration of Terms

  1. We may, at any time, with immediate effect, change or withdraw the service or these terms and conditions without liability to you. If we revise these terms and conditions, we will post a revised version.
  2. By using the service after we have changed these terms you will be accepting the changes.

Third Party Rights

  1. When you place an order via the service and we receive the payment for the order and accept your offer to enter into the contract for the related service, we are entering the contract with you personally ( save and except to the extent that Krispi company delivering your order is owned by Krispi, in which case the contract in respect of the supply of the order is between you personally and Krispi. Nothing in these terms will confer any benefit on any third party or any right to enforce these terms on any third party.

Law and Jurisdiction

  1. 1.Our relationship should be governed and interpreted according to the laws of the state of Victoria. Any disputes which cannot be resolved between us shall be resolved in the courts of Victoria.

Complaints and Compliance

  1. If you have any comments or complaints in respect of our services please contact us.

Deals and Promotions

  1. Offers are only available for delivery orders
  2. Offers are only valid for a limited time or whilst stocks last.

Google Analytics

Our website makes use of Google Analytics to collect traffic data and enhance the user experience. The collected data is stored on Google servers, not on our site. Google consolidates demographic data, making it impossible for us to identify individual users. If you wish to decline data collection, you can choose to reject cookies when prompted on our site or clear your cookies altogether.

To opt out of all Google tracking, please visit the Google settings page:

And click the option to “Manage Privacy”













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